Meeting Schedule:

  • 1) What is a watershed management plan and why do we need one?

    This public meeting will address the contents and importance of a watershed management plan as well as the benefits they provide in addressing regional watershed issues. The public process necessary to ensure a comprehensive, meaningful and effective plan is developed will be covered and input sought. And consideration will be given to implementation of the plan in the future. This presentation will highlight the historical impacts of severe weather patterns that have negatively impacted communities as a result of flooding and threats to public infrastructure to reinforce the need for a regional, comprehensive watershed management plan.

    Recorded Meeting: click here

    Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2023 from 6:00pm-7:00pm

    Presenters: George Schuler, Director at The Nature Conservancy; Heather Jacksy, Chief Planner at Sullivan County Division of Planning and Environmental Management; Steve Schwartz, Environmental Consultant

    2) The Basics of Stream Dynamics

    This presentation will address basic information about how streams function, the ecological and economic services they provide, and both reactive and responsive management efforts that can protect waterways, people, and communities.

    Recorded Meeting: click here

    Date: Monday, January 30th, 2023 from 6:00pm-7:00pm

    Presenters: Gian Dodici, Fish & Wildlife Biologist with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Stacie Howell, Program Coordinator at Rondout Neversink Stream Program.

    3) Flooding, Changing Weather Trends, and the Economic/Recreational Benefits of Stream Protection and Restoration

    This presentation will discuss how changing weather patterns have exacerbated flooding problems in the already flood prone area of Sulli County, how management practices can be implemented to mitigate the impacts of increasingly severe weather patterns, and the economic value of our waterways to communities and people highlighting the 2019 Upper Delaware River Economic Study.

    Recorded Meeting: click here

    Date: Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 from 6:00pm-7:00pm

    Presenters: Freda Eisenberg, Commissioner at Sullivan County Division of Planning and Environmental Management and Shachi Pandey, Founding Principal of Metropolitan Urban Design (MUD) Workshop).

  • 1) Open Space Preservation & Stream Project Identification.

    Natural Lands will solicit public input to determine the public’s land protection priorities in the watershed.

    An in person meeting will be conducted twice in one day by Natural Lands - once during the afternoon, and once during the evening. An interactive mapping exercise that engages meeting participants will be used as a mechanism to gather information and identify specific locations, or “Places of the Heart” that residents most wish to see conserved. Two or three “warm-up” speakers, local residents with a passion for the local landscape, will address the audience first. The audience then maps their own open space priorities.

    Recorded Meeting: click here

    Location: Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library in the Robert D. Norris Community Room (479 Broadway, Monticello, Ny 12701)

    Date: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 from 1:30pm-3:30pm and 5:30pm-7:30pm.

    Guest Speakers at both sessions: Jesse Vadala, Engagement Coordinator at Trout Unlimited; Nancy Bachana, Historic Tour Guide at NY-NJ Trail Conference; Heather Jacksy, Chief Planner at Sullivan County Division of Planning and Environmental Management.

    2) Developing a Vision for the Neversink Watershed; Vision Statement/Goals/Objectives

    In concert with the Steering Committee and through public input we will develop a Vision Statement for the Neversink Watershed that encompasses the entire region while recognizing local goals and objectives for watershed conservation, infrastructure improvements, community building, recreational activities and sustainable development. During this session and with ongoing refinements based on future input we will create a public document that lists, reconciles and prioritizes the goals and objectives of communities in the watershed. We will also discuss facilitating the establishment of a Neversink Watershed Association to lead the implementation of the Neversink Watershed Management Plan after the planning period is over.

    Potential to engage focus groups with specific interests.

    Location: SUNY Sullivan in the Paul Grossinger Dining Room (112 College Rd, Loch sheldrake, NY 12759)

    Date: Monday, June 12th, 2023 from 5:30pm-7:30pm

    Presenters: Steve Schwartz, Environmental Consultant; Clay Smith, FUDR Board Member; Jeff Skelding, Executive Director at FUDR.

  • One virtual public meeting will allow for public review and comment on the NWMP draft vision statement, purpose statement, goals, strategies, and actions. A written summary of public input obtained at these meetings will be prepared and provided to the steering committee. Public input will be incorporated into the final Neversink Watershed Management Plan to the satisfaction of the County and the steering committee.

    Friends of the Upper Delaware River staff will coordinate this meeting. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide input verbally, and written comments will be accepted. Public comments will be collected at the end of the meeting and will be incorporated into the draft Neversink Watershed Management Plan.

    We will discuss and develop the watershed's vision statement, purpose statement, goals, strategies, and actions with the publics input at this meeting.

    Recorded Meeting: click here

    Date: Thursday, November 2nd, 2023, 6:00pm-7:30pm

    Presenters: Jillian Pagnotti, Watershed Program Coordinator at FUDR.

  • Two public meetings will be scheduled prior to the preparation of the final Neversink Watershed Management Plan to allow for public review and comment on the draft document. A written summary of public input obtained at this meeting shall be prepared and provided to the County for review and comment. Public input shall be incorporated into the final Neversink Watershed Management Plan.

    1) First Review of the Neversink Watershed Management Plan (NWMP) Draft

    This in-person public meeting will allow the public to have a first review of the Neversink Watershed Management Plan (NWMP) draft. The public will have a chance to review and comment on the NWMP draft. A written summary of public input obtained at this meeting will be prepared and provided to the County for review and comment. Public input was incorporated into the final NWMP.

    Location: In-person, at the Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library in the Robert D. Norris Community Room (479 Broadway Monticello, NY 12701).

    Date/Time: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, 2:00pm-3:30pm.

    Presenters: Jillian Pagnotti, Watershed Program Coordinator at FUDR.

    2) Final Review of the Neversink Watershed Management Plan (NWMP) Draft

    This virtual public meeting will allow the public to have a final review of the Neversink Watershed Management Plan (NWMP) draft. The public will have a chance to review and comment on the final NWMP draft. A written summary of public input obtained at this meeting will be prepared and provided to the County for review and comment. Public input was incorporated into the final NWMP.

    Location: Virtual, Zoom.

    Zoom Links: Register to receive link.

    Date/Time: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, 6:00pm-7:30pm.

    Presenters: Jillian Pagnotti, Watershed Program Coordinator at FUDR.

    Registration: Click Here

A series of community education and outreach meetings have been planned for 2023.  There will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings. Each meeting will have a different topic of discussion and speakers from various backgrounds will be presenting and encouraging dialogue among the community members.