One Bug
Each year, Friends of the Upper Delaware River (FUDR) hosts our weekend-long “One Bug” fly fishing event, which also kicks off the spring season on the Upper Delaware.
Fishing is Friday April 25th and Saturday April 26th, followed by our awards banquet that evening. Register your team of two for $3300, or $1650 for an individual.
Included in the fishing registration fee:
Thursday night dinner with all One Bug anglers and guides
Two days of drift boat fishing with a licensed Upper Delaware River guide
Back by popular demand, fish in the same boat with your partner!
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided on Friday and Saturday
One Bug Merchandise
Awards banquet on Saturday evening
Partial tax-deductible donation
Lots of fun hanging out in the best place on earth!
FUDR 16th Anniversary “One Bug” Event Brings Conservation, Fellowship, and Community Support to the Upper Delaware River Region
The annual FUDR One Bug fundraiser celebrated its 16th anniversary the last weekend of April and reminded everyone how the flyfishing community in the Upper Delaware tailwaters is united around a personal camaraderie and close affinity for this very special wild trout river. The One Bug is also an opportunity to integrate angling with the local communities and residents of the Upper Delaware region.
A couple of days before the One Bug, FUDR staff with assistance from our friend and One Bug angler Dr. Peter Kolesar from Columbia University, randomly drew the guide assignments and “beats” for each team. The beats were spread out across the tailwaters from the dams at Cannonsville and Pepacton down to the newly refurbished NYSDEC public access at Long Eddy, NY.
On the night before the event, One Bug contestants gathered at FUDR Board Chairman Craig Bouslough’s beautiful home on the main stem to enjoy a delicious dinner served up by Pitmaster Mike Cartechine and his partner Nikel City Chef JJ Richert. It was a high energy reunion for many One Buggers, some of whom were coming to the river for the first time this season. Thanks to Darren Rist, Rich Thomas, and Todd Coolman for providing the music for the evening, Theresa Allen from the Hancock Liquor Store for sponsoring the event, and to Craig and his wife Holly for being such gracious hosts!
44 anglers (2 per team) and 22 professionally licensed guides launched their drift boats on a beautiful Friday afternoon with high hopes that the “one bug” they chose for the day could consistently tempt the large rainbows and browns that call the UDR home. The fair weather, cooperative bugs, and favorable river levels gave all our One Buggers a chance for a great day!
When everybody reconvened at the Crosstown Tavern on Friday night the energy level was high, the stories were flowing, and it was clear the river had produced some notable results for our anglers. Thanks to the Crosstown Tavern for reserving this highly popular angler gathering place for our event!
As it often does during the One Bug and early in the fishing season on the UDR, the weather turned on Day 2 with gray skies, dropping temperatures, spotty rain, and the fly anglers’ most dreaded adversary - high winds. Even so, it’s always impressive to see how One Bug anglers persevere with an intrepid attitude when faced with challenging weather conditions and this year was no different.
Despite the cold day, stiff headwinds, and white caps on the river, many anglers were able to catch fish on Day 2. We saw a lot of tired, wind-whipped, and bone cold anglers come through the doors of the River Run Restaurant on Saturday night, but spirits were still high as we prepared for the One Bug Awards Banquet. Thank you to Matt Batchelet and his wonderful staff for making the River Run Restaurant available to us for the One Bug as they have for so many years.
In commemoration of our 16th anniversary, multiple people were recognized for being with us for all or most of the One Bug events from the very beginning. They included: Dan Plummer, Jim “Coz” Costolnick, Steve Taggart, Sam Decker, Tim Oliphant, Ben Rinker, Stefan Spoerri, Darren Rist, Lee Hartman, and Indian Springs Fishing Club. Thanks to these veteran One Buggers for their enthusiastic dedication and stalwart support through the years!
Four alumni from our annual summer kids flyfishing camp fished in the One Bug. These future advocates for the sport and caretakers of the river had a great time and we loved having them as participants! Thank you to Daniel Luning, Sean Luning, Austin Polanish, and Colton Becker.
There would be no One Bug without FUDR’s Sherri Resti Thomas who received a special “Always a One Bugger” award for her tireless efforts to make sure the event runs smoothly each year. Sherri and Shell Dufton deserve our heartfelt appreciation for their attention to detail and for always making it a priority that everyone has a special experience and a safe two days on the river. Thanks Sherri and Shell!
We also need to thank all of our One Bug Sponsors - we couldn’t do it without the support of Orvis, Patagonia, West Branch Angler, Prosthodontics Ho-Ho-Kus, Hancock Liquor Store, Smith’s Colonial Motel, Dream Catcher, Upper Delaware Inn, Blitzbound Guide Service, Cross Current Outfitters, Steve Renehan, Team Moskastine, Crane’s Liquor Store, Trout Unlimited, Sam & Wayne Decker, and Roscoe Beer.
We loved having everybody in town and we can’t wait until the next One Bug!
Congratulations to our winners!
Big Fish: Steve Trafton, Team Orvis, 21 ½” brown trout, caught on a Hendrickson Comparadun
Top Individual: Blake Chapman “Fish On”
Top Team: Team “Fish On”, Blake and Karen Chapman
Top Guide: Jim ‘Coz’ Costolnick
Squirrel Award: Austin Hofer
One Bug 2024 Awards Banquet Tickets
The 2024 One Bug Awards Banquet will be on Saturday April 27 at the River Run Restaurant (West Branch Angler). Passed appetizers and cash bar will start at 8pm, dinner at 8:45, followed by the awards banquet. Banquet tickets are $125 - get your ticket below!
Sold Out
2024 One Bug Fishing Dates - SOLD OUT! Friday April 26 & Saturday April 27!
FUDR 2023 Recap: One Bug is back in Full Swing!
There’s an often-heard sentiment about how Upper Delaware River fly anglers face some of the most challenging conditions in the country and if you can do it here, you can do it anywhere. It’s like how learning to ski the tough conditions of the east makes things a little easier when you travel out west.
The 2023 FUDR One Bug once again fortified that notion.
While the river was in great shape and the bugs were coming with increasing steadiness, some classic One Bug weather arrived just in time for the weekend. Cold, rainy, windy conditions greeted our anglers, and I was reminded how Christine Larocca, a longtime FUDR Board member once characterized the snotty One Bug weather we often endure as a “badge of honor” for our organization and our participating anglers. I couldn’t agree more, yet I’ve been here long enough to know that, despite the adversity Mother Nature conjured up last Friday and Saturday, there were going to be plenty of fish caught. And so, it was. More on that in just a second.
As always, there are too many “thank you’s” and expressions of appreciation to mention, but a few stand out. Thanks to FUDR’s Sherri Resti Thomas, the Grande Dame of the One Bug, and her stalwart comrade Richelle Dufton for making sure the event unfolded seamlessly and everybody had a great time. The behind-the-scenes details of the One Bug are numerous and demanding and Sherri and Shell pulled it off with style and grace. Thank you both so much!
We also want to thank our event sponsors - West Branch Angler, Dream Catcher Lodge, Orvis, Patagonia, Simms, Tailwater Lodge, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, Patagonia, Trout Unlimited, Hancock Liquor Store, Roscoe Brewery, Beaver Mountain Log and Cedar Homes, Veira & Associates, CPAs, P.C., and the National Parks Conservation Association - and our local hosts – West Branch Angler, Hancock House Hotel, Circle E Diner, The Chestnut, Butterfields Cafe, and the Pheasant Tail Tavern. Our event is growing every year and we are so grateful to have these organizations and businesses joining us on this exciting journey!
Another special feature of the 2023 One Bug is the inclusion of a team composed of our FUDR/Canfield fly fishing camp for kids aged 12-17. Matt Ertzinger did a great job guiding Doug & Dylan Canfield and Caleb Schenck & Zane Pershaud and we appreciate his efforts. Doug’s support for the summer camp is integral to its success and we couldn’t do it without him!
Ok, back to fishing. Congratulations to our first-time winner in the individual category John Fedorka! I was on the same beat as John and his Dad on Day 1 and watched him land several great fish. John is an impressive caster and a savvy angler, and it was great to see him in first place this year!
The formidable team of Craig Bouslough and JC Clark (aka “Gone Rogue”) took the Top Team honors again this year. Craig and JC are a familiar sight at the top of the One Bug leaderboard each year and are among the most skillful anglers on the river. Great job guys!
Luc Genovesi won our Top Guide honors this year! In addition to his outstanding skills as a UDR guide, Luc is well known for his strong conservation ethic, easy going rapport with his clients, and widespread popularity among the UDR angling community.
Dr. Peter Kolesar, a longtime UDR conservation hero, took home the “Big Fish” award and here’s a shot of a very happy Peter with his 22 inch Brown Trout caught on an Apple Caddis……. Fantastic fish, Peter, we are very happy for you!
Be a 2025 Sponsor - click here!
Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors:
Alex Smith-Constantine
Nori and Erick Lewis
Sam & Wayne Decker
FUDR Bug Study Team
Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors:
Sam & Wayne Decker
Team MoskaStine
Steve Renehan
Each year we present one of our guides with the “Squirrel Award” for the most heroic rescue of an imperiled fly. Thanks to the colorful storytelling of Vinny Cimino, this year's Squirrel award goes to John Winkler aka “the fly whisperer”.
Thanks to everybody for never losing sight that the foundational spirit of the One Bug is firmly lodged in camaraderie, friendly competition, and most of all, care and concern for the river we all love. The FUDR staff and Board of Directors is proud to host the event, relies on the resources it generates to help us advance our river conservation objectives, and treasures the moments we get to spend with all of you. Thank you so much!
Here’s a link to the 2023 One Bug final standings.
FINAL_One Bug 2023 Score Sheet
Thanks to everybody who participated, and we hope to see all of you next year!