Upper Delaware River Conservation Corps
Macroinvertebrate Sampling
Macroinvertebrates are an indicator of water quality. The crew will work with a biologist to learn how to sample and understand the role of macroinvertebrates in the stream. The crew will also learn how to input data collected!
UDR Policy
Each summer the crew attends public outreach events that include local elected officials. These events expose the crew members to another side of the conservation field!
NAACC Culvert Assessments
The crew assesses bridges and culverts throughout waterways in the UDR. This is the first step to mitigating negative impacts from flooding! The crew pictured earned their North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC) certification in order to do so!
Invasive Species Remediation
Controlling the spread of invasive species (Knotweed shown here) in the UDR protects habitat and stabilizes stream banks! The crew can be found throughout the summer working on this!
Beautification Projects
Beautification projects like cleaning up our public spaces is an important part of the crew’s work each summer! Here the crew is pictured after a successful trail clean up on the Sullivan O&W Rail Trail!
Workforce Development
The UDRCC crew members will build life-long connections within the crew! FUDR offers various workforce development opportunities and making connections with professionals throughout the watershed!